For the first time in Latvia!
The fastest lasers in USA, with all the FDA certificates (for nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism)
For the first time in the Baltic countries and neighbouring foreign countries! The operations are performed by use of microsurgery system Leica M841 EBS – it is a new era in ophthalmology, "cosmic" technology and know-how created by "Leica", world leader in optical and microsurgery system manufacturing.
Microsurgery complex is equipped with new generation optics, OptiChrom system , apochromal system "ZOOM", an apochromal lens, not blinding "cool" white light (protecting eyes from influence of light during the surgery), four electromagnetic brakes and 100% stereo lenses and independent focusing for two surgeons simultaneously.
Also - the most modern multifunctional system for working on the anterior part of the eye. Controls of electronic function include 3 powerful microprocessors, ensuring comfortable and reliable control of following functions:
offers a wide range of modern qualitative general and functional vision diagnostics performed by last generation equipment manufactured by the world leaders. Only state-of-art technologies guarantee precise diagnosis and subsequent correct treatment (therapeutic, laser, microsurgical).
High-quality vision diagnostic enables the physician to be sure of diagnosis, to make a correct decision about the tactics of treatment, including indications for surgery and the choice of most suitable surgical method.
1. Microsurgical system Leica M841 EBS – Switzerland, "Leica", is among the best microsurgical system today. A specialized ophthalmological microsurgical system of new concept with apochromal system "ZOOM" and apochromal lens, with ultralow tubus for the assistant without the light separator, XY – equipment with motorised bend.
- has two systems for surgeon and assistant without the light separator – 100% stereo effect for the assistent
- the assistant has independent precise focusing
- has two systems of lighting for operations of different profile
- is equipped with new generation optics "OptoChrom"
- is conducted by 12 feet pedal or by a hand panel
- is equipped XY – equipment 58x58 mm with motorised bendis equipped with 4 electromagnetic brakes
2. Phacoemulsificator Alcon, Centurion Vision System- reliable technology, minimal number of side effects, foreseeable result of the operation, speed and quality of operation performance, one of the most reliable equipments in cataract and implantation ophthalmosurgery.
3. Computer refractometry; computer keratometry (built-in 5,6 in colour monitor; widened measurement range; possibility to perform measurements with narrow pupil, minimal size of pupil 2,3 mm; possibility of measurements with implanted IOL; function of fast measurement enables performance of several measurements (from 1 to 10) with one press of button; automatic measurement of interpupillar distance).
· Refraction measurement range:
sphere from –25 to +25 dioptries
cylinder from –10 to +dioptries
Keratometry measurement range:
radiuss of corneal curvature 5,0-10,0 mm
corneal refraction 33,75-67,5 dioptries
cylinder from -9 to +9 dioptries
-autorefractometer/autokeratometer – Japan, "Nidek"
-autorefractometer/autokeratometer – Japan, "Shin-Nippon Accuref-K 9001"
-autorefractometer/autokeratometer - Japan, "Canon" 4. Computer tonometry (measurement of intraocular pressure) – no need for contact method. The softest air impulse will make the process most comfortable the patient. Error is not possible as all the information about setup and measurement is given on the screen. The most modern technology – a guarantee for accuracy and reliability. The most progressive equipment for non-contact tonometry is created on the base of clinical experience of more than 27 years. Multiple clinical studies showed that measurements done by the equipment of company “Leica-Reichert” correspond to expert results of measurement by Goldman method (contact method).
autotonometer-non contact - USA - Switzerland, "Leica/Reichert-AT 550"
5. Computer digital perimetry (examination of vision field in glaucoma, retinal pathology, optic nerve and neurology diseases. Contrast and threshold retinal sensitivity can be measured by this equipment. It is used for exact diagnostics of the disease type, its stage and, due to comparative programmes enables to track progression of the disease).
Аustria - Germany, "Centerfield Oculus" optikgerate
6. Ultrasonography:
· A–scanning (system of mono-measure image measures depth of anterior camera, thickness of the lens and internal eye membranes, as well as length of eye; the equipment contains all international formulas for calculations of the lens, necessary for operations).
France, "Quantel Medical Axiss II"
· A-B–scanning (A-scanning see above; B-system double-measure image enables evaluation of corpus vitreous, to diagnose and evaluate height and prevalence of the vascular membrane and retinal detachment, to find and define localisation and size of eye and retrobulbar neoplasms, as well as to detect and define the foreign body placement; contains all the main formulas for the calculations of artificial lens).
USA - Switzerland, "Alcon Ultrascan/Ultrasonik"
7. Visiometry (evaluation of the acuity of vision) – automatic projector of images with a remote control, includes 22 sign cards and 12 masks
Japan, "Nidek CP-690"; "Shin-Nippon Chart CP-30";
optometric completa - Germany; Great Britain;
8. Biomicroscopy – slit lamp (examination of an eye under microscope: lids, eyelashes, conjunctiva, cornea, membrane of iris, lens, corpus vitreum, retina and vascular membrane):
Japan", "Inami L–0240" with enlargement zoom from 10 to 30 times; Japan, "Takagi"; Japan "Nidek"
9. Ophthalmoscopy (direct, indirect) - Germany, "Heine Beta 200S"; USA, "Volk"- 60D, 78D, 90D
10. Ultrasound pachymetry – ultrasound measurement of cornea thickness is performed for all patients before refractive operation, enabling calculation of the maximal possible depth of the cut and the possible degree of correction in nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness –
Canada, Humphrey ultrosonik pachymeter"
France, "Quantel Medical SA Pocket II pachymeter echograf
11. Computer tomography of retina and optic nerve Retina Tomograph HRT III - new "Golden standard" in glaucoma diagnostics Germany, "Heidelberg Engineering", see section "News" - diagnostic.
12. Conductive keratoplasty (CK)
USA, "Refractec" - Near Vision REFRACTEC ViewPointTM CK SYSTEM-new revolutionary technology for vision correction in nearsightedness and presbyopia (ageing farsightedness), see section "News".
13. Excimer laser ALLEGRETTO WAVE EYE-Q - Germany, "WaveLight" AG see section "News".
14. ALLEGRO TOPOLYZER - Germany, "WaveLight" AG
15. ALLEGRO ANALYZER - Germani, "WaveLight" AG
16. ZYOPTIX XP Mikrokeratome - USA, "Bausch&Lomb"
17. Laser VITRA 532nm - France, "Quantel Meditec"
18. OCT
19. SiriusCSO